I find the following web comics interesting. Maybe you will too.
The icon means that I read it regularly.
Just press the HEADING to expand or contract each category.
Action / Superhero
Fredland - Online comics by Fred Chung
Footprints is the main strip, but also check out the short strips> as well. -
The Green Avenger
The adventures of Abby Lark, alias the title character. -
Eisner's JOHN LAW" by Gary Chaloner.
Based on an abortive strip by Eisner, that re-cycled Spirit stories. -
The Spiders: an online comic
I came across this one while reading a web tutorial. It uses panels in an "Infinite Canvas" quite well.
Fredland - Online comics by Fred Chung
Art / Beauty to Behold
.: electric sheep comix | e-sheep.com :.
Amasing things done with Flash. See especially Delta Thrives and Apocamon: The Final Judgement. -
Very Manga, and very nicely rendered. -
NoConnectionsStudio: Home
I just looooove the artwork! This currently open as Absolutely True Tales of Lesbian Drama but there are other cool comics there as well.
.: electric sheep comix | e-sheep.com :.
Artists & Theorists
Scott McCloud
Scott wrote two influential comic books: Understanding Comics, and Reinventing Comics, which dealt with the theory behind comics as an artform, and where its future might be. He's currently working on a third, about creating comics as well. His site lists his Morning Improv, and various other web comics, in all sorts of shapes and appearances. - Cymbreles
Scott McCloud
Eve of Cloves
A young prince gets changed into a young princess. Yeah, I know I could put this in Transgender, but there's more to it than that. -
God of Tarot
A fantasy story inspired by the tarot (hey - I read professionally). -
Prince of Castles
Another fantasy story based on the tarot. -
Spell Binder
Fantasy Manga action. No longer updated regularly
"Reality Challenged" - Darkamber's Web
Peculiar mix of artwork. -
Ascending Heaven- the
Magic and beee-ootiful characters. Based on a RPG idea. Links to prelude.
"Reality Challenged" - Darkamber's Web
Eve of Cloves
General / Experimental
Commercial stuff, but the free comics are strange (but very cool). -
E-merl.com - New Experiments In Fiction
Unusual stuff, and The Mr. Nile Experiment is very clever. -
Experimental photo comic. -
Collaborative group of comics - each is worked on by more than one artist. -
By Fred Gallagher. I first came upon this via printed volumes in the local library. The story of two gaming friends, who get stranded in Tokyo. Lots of gaming gags and stuff. Very manga looking, and the artwork is very polished. -
Lowbright - Comics to make love
Interesting collection of comics. I especially like Same Difference -
Ethan Persoff
Weird collection of comics.
Goth / Horror
angst - chronicles of elven gothrock
Ongoing saga about elven goth rockers. Slick artwork. -
Demonology 101
The story of one teenager's attempt to conquer high school with her soul intact. Took me a while to get into the story, but it grows on you. -
::Eternal Wings::
By Melissa Peters. Nice artwork. -
Has a "classic gothic" look about it, though the pages take longer than mine to download! -
Scary Go Round
Interesting vector artwork, it's British, and very funny! -
Zombie Love!
By Jodie Truong. The title says it all. No longer updated regularly
Def Con Goth
What would we do without babygoths? -
Goth Camp - Breaking Down Technicolor
Sitcom resulting from Goth Boy going to the wrong summer camp. -
Goth World
Inter-dimensional drama. -
Gurry: The Gothic Furry
Furry animal goth types have fun. -
.:: Super-Goth for the morbidly
Downright peculiar, but I was always a Supergirl fan.
Def Con Goth
angst - chronicles of elven gothrock
Humour & Satire
Ask Dr. Eldritch
A vampire decides to become a talk-back radio advisor. -
Cat and Girl
Incredibly biting, funny and anti-hip, this is a great post-modern strip, by Dorothy. Also check out The New Adventures of Death by the same creator -
Flame Warriors Home
A pictorial listing of those types who always seem to thrive in NEWSGROUPS and FORUMS. -
Happy But Dead
Not exactly sure what this one's about, but it is funny. -
Dead Funny
There's these two dead guys, see... ...and this is subtitle the post-modern undead vaudeville review. -
Many Tidings Grim
The Grim Reaper and an Alien team up. -
Home of Foamy. -
Oh my Gods!
A pagan viewpoint on life. No longer updated regularly
Yay! Apartment631.com!
Er, it's about something... -
Welcome to
Smoooooth (somehow, this reminds me of Scott McCloud's Meadow of the Damned) -
Living Space
By Tim Hodge and Daria Sigma. It's a cute gag strip. -
Random Acts of
Cute gag strip.
Yay! Apartment631.com!
Ask Dr. Eldritch
Paper Comics
Deals with Multiple Personality Disorder. By Madison Clell, who I met at a This Is Not Art one year. -
Wecome to
Chronicles the misadventures of Courtney Crumrin. Darkly lovable series about a young girl.
SF /Mad Science
A Miracle of Science
The ongoing battle between the Vorstellen Police and Mad Scientists. Nice artwork, and a story line that features adults and nicely developed aliens. -
Argon Zark
Very inventive. Broadband for me to view, however. -
Girl Genius
Set in an alternate Europe full of metal and biological constructs -- the adventures of Agatha, who is a mechanical genius or "spark". Drawn by Phil Foglio, an SF and faanish illustrator from way back. -
By B. Zedan. Really nice (mostly) black and white artwork, with occassional muted colour sections. The unravelling of a mystery by Soli and her friends, in the far future. -
Venus Ascending
This is an authorised variant of Venus Envy by S. Belmar. It places the characters from that strip into an SF setting. Zoe is the captain of the Venus Ascending, a Spaceship of the Line. The strip is mostly gags about how crazy the crew are, though there is an underlying stroryline as well. Very funny, especially if you're familiar with Venus Envy. -
Zap! Sci-fi Space Adventure
Adventures of Zap Vexler and co aboard the starship Excelsior.
A Miracle of Science
Slice of Life
A Webcomic Called Atavism
The artwork is very streamlined, but I find it appropriate to the storyline. Very funny. -
Eight to One.
By B Duffy. Humour, dark humour. -
traced comics
Great collection of individual stories.
A Webcomic Called Atavism
Trans / Queer
Closet Space
By Jean Dolari. The ongoing story of Jason who finally starts living as a woman (Carrie), when she starts sharing a house with Allison, who has a secret of her own. -
From Then on Forth
By Elizabeth Troub, this strip chronicles the trials and tribulations of Seth, just starting the process of gender transition to become Rachel. The story has a "dark" feel to it, and deals with some tough issues like street violence and schizophrenia. I like it, and I really enjoy Ms Troub's artwork. -
Grey Matters .:. It's fun to laugh at their
Ongoing story of several trans folk, based on real life events. -
By Chris Hazelton. A boy gets changed into a girl by a "cosmic misfile". -
Transe Generation
One panel gags about aspects of being trans. -
Venus Envy
This seems to be the one of the original trans web comics, by Erin Lindsay. It is deservedly popular, as Erin draws well, and can spin a good story in the process. The central character is Zoe, who used to be Alex, and follows her experiences of teen-transition, especially with characters at the local High School. No longer updated regularly
AstroGirlX2 Index
Astrogirl is a hip trans lesbian, who's always ready with a comeback. The art is gorgeous. -
Kim's Web
I knew Kim long before either of us were who we are now. The strip highlights issues and experiences she had while transitioning. Check out her diaries while you're at the site. -
Second Stage
By Shannon Strobel. Not exactly a story or a humour strip. Scenes and issues from the creator's life.
AstroGirlX2 Index
Closet Space
Directories / Listings
The Guide Index
The complete list of Comic Genesis Comics. -
A directory of online comics.
The Guide Index