Hypergraphia (Laura's Paper Doll)

The following is a paper doll simulation, using Laura as a base. Make sure your browser has javascript enabled. You can click and drag images around, and over the figure below (don't forget to let go of the mouse button). There are more tpos, dresses, skirts and hand poses below, just scroll down to find them.

If you want a copy of the resulting image (?!) just scroll down until the yellow rectangle is centred, and press whatever key(s) you normally do to get a screenshot - edit the results in your preferred graphics editor.


This page is based an orginal two page spread of paper comic Hypergraphia #3. You can see a facimilie of the original at my pages at Web Comics Nation. The code for this was copied from the Silent Doll Maker page at Where the Pretty Girls Are. If you're interested in making your own online dolls, also check out:

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